The interaction of
- 25.09.2020
The experience of advanced technology for the installation of equipment, structures of buildings and structures, pipelines and other communications also shows that the solution of a common problem - to build quickly, economically and on a modern technical basis - largely depends on timely and correct solutions of complex engineering and organizational issues that arise that arise when designing facilities, manufacturing at the industry of equipment, structures of buildings and structures and pipeline communications, transportation of them for construction and installation on design grounds; from the quality of engineering preliminary preparation for the production of basic works by each construction and installation organization, including, if necessary, the creation and development of the capacity of own enterprises and production bases, an increase in the park and mechanisms, the selection of personnel, the development of residential and cultural and culturalhousehold construction; from the correctness of determining the physical volumes and the estimated cost of each type of construction, installation and special works and the required funded materials; from the timeliness of planning, financing and material and technical deliveries; From operational continuous management of the construction of facilities, daily coordination of the interaction of construction and installation organizations at each facility, mobilization of resources in decisive areas, ensuring continuity in the work of work, eliminating the emerging obstacles and flaws, increasing the discipline and level of organization and performance of labor in the socialist competition, development and the adoption of additional measures to replenish breakdowns and reduce the duration of work, ensure the completion of construction and input of facilities into force established by the national economic plan,with possible early execution by reducing the regulatory duration of construction.